Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Day, Feeling Slightly Better

I ran six easy miles this morning, but despite the beautiful weather, I never got into the run. My right ankle felt a bit stiff and my form felt clumsy. As a result, I decided to take things easy and try to enjoy the spring weather.

On a positive note, my abdominal muscles felt much better. I think a few days of easier running and a lot of ice have done them some good. I now feel confident that I will be able to rehabilitate myself. My biggest problem is that I want to go farther and faster than I should. Let’s face it, I love to run, and what runner doesn’t want to cover more distance in less time?

Sometimes, though, running doesn’t feel as smooth or as effortless as it should. Sometimes you feel like you can run fast and forever; other times, you feel like you can hardly jog four miles. For example, I ran eight miles this Monday and felt like my feet weren’t even touching the ground. Then I ran my 12-miler from hell on Wednesday and felt like I was a hundred years old -- aching stomach, hips, and all. On my run this morning, I felt much better, but still not as light on my feet as I would have liked. I think part of the issue is that I am still not fully acclimatized to early morning running. I tend to be very inflexible in the morning, so I have to remember to start slow. Maybe another day of Grandma running will help.

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